
 2010.04.15 updated quotes and drama overview.

The series finale aired April 14, 2010, but there is a possibility of an Ugly Betty movie, hinted by America Ferrera and Ana Ortiz, who are excited about the prospect of doing a movie, and it is being considered. 


Ugly Betty改編了哥倫比亞RCN電視台1999-2001年的Yo soy Betty, la fea (I am Betty, the ugly one)。為了塑造那個來自紐約皇后區、與曼哈頓格格不入的Betty Suarez,編劇真的是把所有可以醜化America Ferrera外表的元素都放了進去——凌亂的頭髮、藍色的牙套、小新的眉毛、超大的膠框眼鏡,加上所有會突顯她短胖身材的造型。

雖然這樣的Betty之所以能夠踏進被譽為fashion bible的時尚雜誌《Mode》,是因為發行人老爸為了確定甫接手總編輯職務的風流兒子不會再跟自己的助理亂搞在一起,但是Betty還是迷人的。



Meades集團的Mode magazine是Betty、創意總監Wilhelmina Slater跟Meades家人(包括DanielAlexisClaireBradford)的「戰場」。所有的權力爭奪、創意較勁都在這裡發生。

劇裡《Mode》有個online Web site,現實生活裡ABC也很有心的為Mode做了個網站

     (some Mode covers from

Ugly Betty還找來超多明星模特兒設計師客串,把Mode kingdom打造得星光四射。

Salma HayekLucy LiuLindsay Lohan都客串了好幾集:Hayek飾演Meade集團旗下《MYW (Modern Young Woman)》雜誌的火辣主編Sophia Reyes,Liu是為Mrs. Meade打官司的亮麗律師Grace Chin,而Lohan則是Betty的高中夢魘Kimmie Keegan

資深媒體人Martha Stewart、CNN's Larry King Live主持人Larry King、WABC-TV's Live with Regis and Kelly主持人Kelly RipaRegis Philbin、從American Idol出來的Katharine McPhee、R&B歌手Omarion、搖滾樂團Kiss的貝斯手Gene Simmons、高貴辣妹Victoria Beckham、設計師Vera WangKenneth Cole、Project Runway評審Nina Garcia、超級名模Naomi CampbellAdriana Lima(Victoria's Secret Fashion Show都會看到她)都曾經以自己的名字出現在Ugly Betty。當然還有很多很多.....

Ugly Betty抱走第64屆金球獎的喜劇類最佳影集和最佳女主角,前一陣子有報導說這一季是《Mode》首席裁縫師兼衣櫥管理人Christina McKinney的最後一季。啊~我好喜歡飾演她的Ashley Jensen說。


.Wilhelmina Slater: Snow is a magical blanket. It hides what’s ugly and makes everything beautiful. (Episode 1.04: Swag)
.Daniel Meade: Sometimes the heart knows things the mind can’t explain. (Episode 1.10: Loss The Boss?)
.Daniel Meade: It’s a lot harder avoiding people than facing them. (Episode 1.15: Brothers)
.Betty Suarez: We need to … face the things that we don’t want to, no matter how scary they are, because that’s the only way we can live with ourselves. (Episode 1.17: Icing On The Cake)
.Hilda Suarez: A job isn't about friends. It's about making money... and stealing office supplies. (Episode 1.20: Petra-Gate)
.Ignacio Suarez: Growing up isn’t about making the right decisions -- it’s about dealing with the decisions you’ve made and picking yourself up. (Episode: 3.01: The Manhattan Project)
.Betty Suarez: Sometimes when we want something really bad, we forget that there are other people involved. (Episode 3.04: Betty Suarez Land) 
.Betty Suarez: Secrets … have a way of getting out. (Episode 3.12: Sisters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)
.Marc St. James: Waiting for someone else to say I love you first doesn’t mean you’re more powerful, it just means you're afraid. (Episode 3. 14: Kissed off)
.Wilhelmina Slater: In life you have to make choices, you can’t have it all. (Episode 3.16: Things Fall Apart)
.Wilhelmina Slater: Schemming is a lonely business. (Episode 4.03: Blue on Blue)
.Daniel Meade: Some people get the job because of the flip of a coin, some people get the job because their father owns the company. It doesn't matter how you get it, it matters what you do with it. (Episode 4.04: The Weiner, the Bun and the Boob)
.Betty Suarez: What we can't do is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye, because chances are they're not going to stop. The trick is to recognize when a goodbye can be a good thing, when it's a chance to start again. (Episode 4.11: Back in Her Place)
.Wilhelmina Slater: Taste is having the courage of your own convictions. (Episodr 4.14: Smokin' Hot)
.Hilda Suarez: That's love ... when you know somebody better than they do, and when you would do anything in the world to protect them. (Episode 4.19: The Past Presents the Future)

劇 名:Ugly Betty
電視台:American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
首 播:2006-09-28

集 數:85(每集約42分鐘)
季 數:4

演 員:America Ferrera ... Betty Suarez (85 episodes, 2006-2010) 
    Eric Mabius ... Daniel Meade (85 episodes, 2006-2010) 
    Vanessa Williams ... Wilhelmina Slater (85 episodes, 2006-2010) 

    Tony Plana ... Ignacio Suarez (85 episodes, 2006-2010)
    Ana Ortiz ... Hilda Suarez (85 episodes, 2006-2010)
    Mark Indelicato ... Justin Suarez (85 episodes, 2006-2010) 
    Adam Rodriguez ... Bobby Talercio (12 episodes, 2009-2010)

    Becki Newton ... Amanda Tanen (85 episodes, 2006-2010)
    Michael Urie ... Marc St. James (85 episodes, 2006-2010) 
    Ashley Jensen ... Christina McKinney (66 episodes, 2006-2010) 

    Judith Light ... Claire Meade (72 episodes, 2006-2010)
    Alan Dale ... Bradford Meade (35 episodes, 2006-2008)
    Rebecca Romijn ... Alexis Meade (34 episodes, 2007-2008)

    Christopher Gorham ... Henry Grubstick (33 episodes, 2006-2009)
    Daniel Eric Gold ... Matt Hartley (29 episodes, 2009-2010)
    Kevin Sussman ... Walter (20 episodes, 2006-2007)
    Sarah Lafleur ... Molly (16 episodes, 2008-2009) 
    Grant Bowler ... Connor Owens (16 episodes, 2008-2010)
    Freddy Rodríguez ... Giovanni 'Gio' Rossi (13 episodes, 2007-2010) 
    Ralph Macchio ... Archie Rodriguez (11 episodes, 2008-2009) 
    David Rasche ... Calvin Hartley (10 episodes, 2009-2010) 

    Alec Mapa ... Suzuki St. Pierre (29 episodes, 2007-2010)
    Anna Kuchma ... Modie (22 episodes, 2008-2009)


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